Shap-E–Generating Conditional 3D Implicit Functions.


Shap-E is a conditional generative model developed by OpenAI that allows you to create 3D models directly from text descriptions. It utilizes a diffusion process, gradually refining a random noise-filled image into a final 3D shape based on the text input.

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what is Shap-E?

Shap-E is a conditional generative model developed by OpenAI that allows you to create 3D models directly from text descriptions. It utilizes a diffusion process, gradually refining a random noise-filled image into a final 3D shape based on the text input.

Key Features


  • Input: Provide a textual description of the desired 3D object, including details like materials, colors, and shapes.
  • Output: Generates a corresponding 3D model file (as a point cloud or mesh) that represents the described object.
  • Capabilities: Offers some control over the generation process by specifying additional attributes like size, position, and orientation in the text prompt.
  • Limitations: Currently under development, with limitations in model complexity and realistic details.


  • Accessibility: Enables anyone to create 3D models without specific software or technical knowledge.
  • Speed: Generates models within a few minutes compared to traditional methods.
  • Creativity exploration: Easily experiment with different ideas and styles based on text descriptions.


  • Under development: Still evolving, with limitations in model quality, complexity, and realistic details.
  • Lack of user interface: Requires familiarity with programming and command lines to use effectively.
  • Limited control: Text descriptions might not offer precise control over every aspect of the generated model.


  • User-friendly interface for generating 3D models from text, images, or sketches.
  • Creates 360° panoramas and immersive virtual worlds based on text descriptions.
  • Generates 3D models from short video clips of physical objects.

Overall, Shap-E presents a promising advancement in text-to-3D model generation. While still under development, it offers a glimpse into the future of accessible 3D content creation through natural language prompts.


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Shap-E–Generating Conditional 3D Implicit Functions.